Back pain usually originates from the muscles, nerves, bones, joints or other structures in the spine. Your back is a fantastic structure in the body, but like a musical instrument can go out of tune. Mechanical stresses may cause injury, such as when we lift an object which is too heavy or lift in an awkward manner, and minor stresses such as bending repeatedly can also lead to problems.

Research shows that over 50% of the UK will suffer from back pain at some stage during their lifetime.

The key to successfully treating low back pain is to reach a diagnosis in which it is clear what is causing the backache and the sequence of events which have lead to the problem developing in the first place. An examination of posture is essential to make an effective diagnosis.

Back pain covers a number of possible causes, including muscle spasm, strains to ligaments, disc strains/problems, or as a result of an accident. Sciatica is a complaint that I often see. Sciatica describes pain felt along the course of the sciatica nerve. The sciatic nerve is made up of five nerve roots that leave the spinal column through small tunnels at the lower spine. These nerve roots join together in the pelvis to form the sciatic nerve. The nerve runs through the buttock, down the back of the leg to supply the muscles and joints of the thigh, knee, calf, ankle, foot and toes. The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the body and can be irritated anywhere along its course. Because of this the symptoms can vary and it is not surprising that sciatica sufferers experience pain at several locations along the nerve.


Treatment is based on improving or restoring the mechanical function of the spine using gentle manual techniques delivered using the hands and by supplementing the treatment with individually tailored advice regarding exercise, posture and how to use your spine.